£77 million funding boost in UK’s race to net zero maritime

Published on: 21 February 2023


A multi-million-pound Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition has launched to help decarbonise the UK’s maritime sector

  • Government funding to see new, zero-emission vessels sailing in UK waters by 2025
  • UK-first as government targets multi-million-pound investment on green shipping tech on the cusp of being rolled out on a commercial scale
  • Call for UK universities to join forces and apply for separate funding pot to deliver vital scientific research behind clean maritime solutions

New £77 million government investment in clean maritime technology – for the first time in UK history the government is intervening to specifically target this funding on green maritime tech which is already well developed. 

The funding will take the tech from the factory to the sea – identifying which projects will have a long-term impact in reducing emissions. 

Successful projects must show they could use this money to work with major UK ports and operators to launch a zero-emission vessel by 2025 at the latest.

Examples of such technology include battery electric vessels, shoreside electrical power, ships running on low carbon fuels like hydrogen or ammonia, and wind-assisted ferries.

The multi-million-pound Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition, launched on 6 February 2023 and will see innovative companies apply for the funding, which must be used to decarbonise technology both on board and shoreside.

The investment demonstrates the government’s commitment to a new green age for maritime travel, which is free from emissions, in line with the 1.5-degree temperature target set by the Paris Agreement.

The competition will be overseen by Innovate UK, which has a record of delivering similar competitions across government successfully.

The government is also calling on universities across the UK to join forces to establish a new Clean Maritime Research Hub, with £7.4 million funding from government and additional funding from academia and industry.

Research in the fundamental science behind clean maritime technologies will be delivered by the hub, building evidence and expertise for the maritime sector. It will also support skills development across the industry and generate knowledge for maritime decision-makers.

The hub will be delivered in partnership with and co-funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

The ZEVI fund and Clean Maritime Research Hub are part of the UK SHORE programme, launched in March 2022 with £206 million in funding. UK SHORE aims to tackle shipping emissions and advance the UK towards a sustainable shipping future.

If you wish to bid or partner with another company to bid please contact technical@britishmarine.co.uk

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