Feva Northerns

Boats travelled from all over Ireland to compete in this growing class with a total 11 of boats.

Friday night (after the tents had been put up) involved food and fun in Killyleagh at the Dufferin Arms.

Saturday, day one of the two-day event, was the breezier day of the two. Under the watchful eye of Race Officer Keith the fleet completed four races. Matt and Peter Rideout hit something on their way out to the race course and broke their rudder fitting.  However, EDYC arranged a hull for them and they got back out for Race Three.

Race One saw Emily and Annabelle Rideout take a big lead to win the first race. Race 2, also a windward leeward race, saw Ross Nolan with new crew Martha take the lead. Emily and Annabelle were going fast and caught with some nip and tuck with Sally and Jess. Positions 4 – 8 were a photo finish.

Race Three was a triangle with a big beat to the shore across the tide. Confusion with the gybe mark mixed the results. With the final race completed the sailors headed to shore and an amazing spread of hotdogs, sandwiches and juice for everyone followed by a hearty meal and a quiz in the evening. Tired and well fed competitors retired to their beds (or airbeds) for a good sleep.

Sunday, Day two, was a light air day and the briefing was held by RO Gordon. Race One saw more wind on the left but the advantage mid right so a close race. Lots of close battles and a closer race for positions 3-5. The final race of the event was very light with much sitting in the boat. Ross led on the first lap but as the wind died, Matt and Peter on the left took the lead and extended. Felix was fast to take second and the Rideout sisters third.

Once again the hospitality was unbeatable with a feast, cake and traybakes to feed everyone. It was also the final day of racing for the Strangford Lough Youth Series so there was plenty of action at the Club. Prizegiving was held before everyone packed up and left looking forward to the next event.

Overall Results

Northern Youths


1st Emily and Annabella Rideout (Ballyholme Yacht Club)

2nd Felix Dion and Lucas Browne (National Yacht Club, Dublin)

3rd Jakub Ozarek and Daniel Long (East Down Yacht Club)


Northern Juniors


1st  Sally Nixon and Jessica Dadley (BYC)

2nd Niamh Coman and Ellie Nolan (RNIYC)

3rd  Zara Whelan and  Polly Robinson (Ballyholme Yacht Club/National Yacht Club)


Northern Family

1st  Matt and Peter Rideout (Ballyholme Yacht Club)

2nd Aileen Smith, Lucas and Andrew Smith (Ballyholme Yacht Club)

3rd Ross and Martha Nolan (Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club)


Written by Lindsay Nolan 



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