September’s LOGOS reports available for British Marine members

Published on: 06 October 2022


Covering EU regulations and current and upcoming environmental legislation, consultations and trends

Two new quarterly reports from LOGOS are available for British Marine members to download.

ICOMIA LOGOS report September 2022

This report contains the latest quarterly report on EU regulations affecting the marine industry at a global level. The report includes an analysis of recent policy developments, political debates, decisions and positions of relevant stakeholders as well as strategic analysis. 

Included in the report are key updates/highlights since the last reports on the following:

  • Upcoming Public Consultations
  • Ship Recycling Regulation (SSR)
  • Biocidal Product Regulation
  • Port Reception Facilities (PRF) for ship-generated waste and cargo residues +updates on EU port services regulation
  • Industrial Emissions Directive 
  • Marine strategy framework directive 
  • Water Framework Directive, Groundwater Directive and Bathing Water Directive
  • EU Emission Trading System
  • Regulation on monitoring, reporting and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport (MRV)
  • Directive on the protection of workers from the risks of carcinogens and mutagens at work (CMD)
  • Waste framework directive
  • EU Timber Regulation
  • Trade Issues including agreements with Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, MERCOSUR and the USA, and Brexit.

The report also details new initiatives and looks at two particular projects:

  1. The commission is looking at making a legislative proposal for a Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) in 2023. This new CRMA seems to be especially conceived for securing raw materials for the manufacturing of batteries and EV batteries in particular.
  2. The Commission announced the creation of a new Hydrogen Bank to prioritise funding of hydrogen-related projects, as well as other energy-related measures. Moreover, the Commission confirmed the revision of the waste framework to reduce waste and the environmental impact of waste management.


This report looks specifically at the environmental regulations, policy developments and political debates.

Included in the report are key updates/highlights since the March reports on the following:

  • Environmental Legislation and initiatives including:

    • Alternative fuels infrastructure regulation (AFIR)
    • FuelEU Maritime
    • Circular Economy Strategy
    • Revision of the Battery Directive
    • Chemical Legislation (REACH)
    • Restrictions on hazardous substances (RoHS II) Directive
    • Ocean Governance: EU contribution to responsible oceans stewardship
  • Other relevant EU policies including the following

    • Machinery Directive 
    • NRMM
    • The European Green Deal
  • European Parliament intergroups

The report also contains information on the proposed CRMA act, the creation of the hydrogen bank, the new proposed Ecodesign Regulations and the proposal for a Regulation on Batteries and Waste Batteries, repealing Directive 2006/66/EC.

These documents can be downloaded by British Marine members from the publications section of the British Marine website found here.


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