Export barriers facing UK leisure marine businesses

Published on: 01 February 2023


UK marine exports generated an estimated £1.22bn in 2021-22, with the growth in exports rising by 25 percent last calendar year.  However, British Marine would like to see more support provided to the UK leisure marine sector, to expand its overseas trade operations. 

This is why we would welcome evidence from British Marine members on export challenges and hear their thoughts on the current level and effectiveness of government support.  This will help inform our engagement with the Department for International Trade (DIT), including a forthcoming meeting between our chief executive and the trade minister, Andrew Bowie MP, and inform the International Trade Committee’s investigation into export opportunities.  

The above parliamentary inquiry is specifically seeking evidence on: 

  • The current situation for UK businesses exporting to: the EU; non-EU countries the UK has a trade agreement with; and to countries the UK does not have a trade agreement with?
  • The key barriers to exporting from the UK to the rest of the world, and how can these most effectively be addressed?
  • How effective are DIT initiatives for supporting exporters, including the Clean Growth Export Programme and the Internationalisation Fund?
  • To what extent do the UK’s pavilions at world expos help to provide opportunities for exporters?
  • How does the support for exporters offered by the UK Government compare with that of other countries and what could the UK Government? 

If you would like to help inform this work please email Joanna Richardson, British Marine’s senior public affairs adviser (email jrichardson@britishmarine.gov.uk) by Tuesday 28 February so that we can ensure your views are brought to the attention of the Minister and to the Parliamentary Committee. 


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