ICOMIA publishes latest half year trends

Published on: 21 February 2023

International Council of Marine Industry Associations ICOMIA logo

ICOMIA, the umbrella organisation for the global leisure marine industry has recently published its latest half yearly trends report.

Taking insight from Marine Industry Association (MIA) members, ICOMIA has provided a snapshot overview of the global marine industry for the past six months – 1 July 2022 to 31 December 2022 – compared to the same period of the previous year – 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2021. 

Although no quantifiable data is gathered; the survey acts as a barometer to indicate recent economic trends in the global recreational boating industry as well as the general outlook for the coming year. 


View the report here: https://www.icomia.org/content/icomia-half-year-trend-report-2022


For more information on ICOMIA, visit www.icomia.com

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