Our beginnings
March 1961 – Production of wooden day cruisers started in the small Mericraft facility in Naples.
1968 – Mericraft moved to Baia, an ancient port where ships were docked during the Roman Empire. The perfect base for a shipyard, with its established seafaring tradition guaranteeing skilled manpower & craftsman. In addition to expanding its construction of cruisers, Mericraft also successfully provided refitting services.
1971-72 – The Capasso family commissioned the restoration of their 27 meter sailing yacht at the Mericraft facility but a crisis in the industry and management problems at the yard prevented work being done on the yacht for one year. Mericraft’s personnel went on strike and at the end of 1972 the Capasso family decided to take the shipyard over. Under new ownership, the name was changed to Cantieri di Baia Spa – Mericraft. Improvements were immediately made to the structure to make it more efficient and functional, a new director was appointed to reopen the shipyard, which still focused on docking.
History is written with the Pascià
1976 – 77 – Antonio Capasso became fully engaged in the shipyard. 1977 marked the manufacture of a Gozzo that was revolutionary at the time. This was the Pascià, featuring a wide round stern, a fibreglass structure and hull as well as teak decking and interior. It was one of the first boats, of this type, to use a table with hydraulic feet providing a comfortable lunch area that could be