<p>MERRY FISHER 695 Série 2 (Neuf 2022), Moteur SUZUKI DF175 APL, Commande électrique, Direction hydraulique. Non taxé en douanes. Version avec Compartiment toilette fermé. Finition Première 2022: Dossier mobile de banquette co-pilote, Panneau de ...
<p>year of non-precise build; NON-NEGOTIABLE PRICE; mediation of 5% + VAT 22% to be paid by the buyer (VAT is calculated on the amount of the mediation) Electronic tools for navigation: Plotter with GPS ...
<p>dual wheelhouse; double commands; no winch; Marine toilet; Provision for fridge;mediation of 5% – VAT 22% paid by the buyer (VAT is calculated on the amount of mediation). Staging and technical: Engine Alarm, Water ...
<p>PRICE UPON REQUEST.</p> <p>Motorboat Beneteau Antares 9 OB for sale with 2 Yamaha F/LF150XB outboard engines. Person capacity 11.</p> <p>Reference: N203B</p> <p> Condition: New</p> <p>Model year: 2022</p> <p>Hull Length: 7,98 m</p> <p>Overall Length: 9,12 m</p> ...
<p>Le Merry Fisher 855 Marlin représente tous les traits de caractère du "SUV DES MERS" tel que Jeanneau l’imagine. C’est ainsi que le design contemporain à la forte personnalité, l’excellente ergonomie à bord, et ...
<p>JEANNEAU MERRY FISHER 895 OFFSHORE MILLESIME 2022. IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY. Offshore version, YAMAHA 2X 200 XCA engines WHITE Unit ready to sail with teak cockpit/ Upgraded electronics pack/ front sundeck/ U-shaped cockpit. Your contacts : ...