Book now for the upcoming Intermediate Marina Managers Course

Published on: 01 December 2022

training 0112

Cardiff 6-9 February 2023


This four-day course is designed to provide marina personnel in a leadership position with fast-track training in the critical issues in marinas. It is aimed at marina team leaders, supervisors and dockmasters who have had at least one full year of experience working at this level.

Marina industry professionals and certified marina managers will share their expertise and knowledge on a wide variety of topics including:

  • Leadership Development
  • Health & Safety / Emergency Management
  • Budgeting and Accounting
  • Environmental Management
  • Maritime Law
  • Customer Service
  • Marketing

Each day is packed with a range of learning opportunities, including formal classes and lectures, informal discussions, a field trip to nearby marinas, group projects and marina/boatyard industry networking.


  • British Marine Members – £1,750 + VAT (£2,100) 
  • TYHA Overseas Members – £2,100 
  • Non-British Marine Members – £2,215 + VAT (£2,658) 
  • Non-British Marine Members (outside UK) – £2,658

For additional information please call 07923 250650 or email Kitty Judd –


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