Call for feedback on current Aids to Navigation

The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA) have announced a review of the Aids to Navigation (AtoN) provision around the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. Trinity House will publish the results of the review in 2025, the outcomes of which will inform the GLAs’ work plans for the following five-year period. 

The GLA provide a comprehensive and sustainable network of AtoN for General Navigation and are responsible for the Superintendence and Management of Local AtoN provided by Local Lighthouse Authorities. 

The GLA has said that they consider user input to be an essential part of this review. Users of AtoN are encouraged to contribute to the review by commenting on: 

  • The usefulness and usability of existing AtoN provided by the GLAs. 
  • Any proposed requirement for the provision of new AtoN. 
  • The mix of AtoN provided including lighthouses, buoys, beacons, Racons and AIS AtoN. 
  • The benefit to users of providing additional data from AtoN such as meteorological data. 
  • The effectiveness of systems used to promulgate information relating to AtoN.
  • Any other AtoN related issues. 

You can find the full details of how to respond to the Aids to Navigation Review by visiting the Trinity House website.

The closing date for responses is 31 May 2024. 



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