Published on: 17 June 2021
On Monday, Boris Johnson announced that there will be a four-week delay, until 19 July, to the final relaxing of the coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions.
Since the 17 May, England has been in Stage 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown (details of which can be found on the British Marine Website here).
All COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted when England enters Stage 4 of the roadmap, this was originally set to take place on the 21 June 2021.
The restrictions will remain in Stage 3 after 21 June, although some changes are being made in the following areas:
- Weddings and civil partnership ceremonies and wedding receptions or civil partnership celebrations
- Commemorative events following a death such as a wake, stone setting or ash scattering
- Large events pilots
- Care home visits
- Domestic residential visits for children
The UKs Government guidance has been updated to reflect the above changes and can be found here.
Of particular interest to the marine industry hospitality sector, the changes include the following:
- Weddings, Civil Partnerships and Commemorative Events
From 21 June, the rules on the number of people who can attend a wedding or civil partnership ceremony, a wedding reception or civil partnership celebration, and a commemorative event following a funeral will change.
The number of people who can attend these events in a COVID-secure venue or other venue (such as a garden of a private home) will be determined by how many people a venue can safely accommodate with social distancing measures in place, including guests of all ages and anyone working at the event.
A marquee or other structure in a private garden of a private home must have at least 50% of its walled area open at any time for it to be classed as “outdoors”, and for the limit based on safe capacity to apply.
Inside private homes, and in enclosed structures in gardens of private homes, weddings can only be held in line with broader social contact rules of up to six people or two households, except in the case of an urgent marriage where one of those getting married is seriously ill and not expected to recover. These can take place in private dwellings with up to 30 people.
Some restrictions on these events will remain to enable them to take place safely. This includes table service requirements, face coverings, social distancing and restrictions on dancing and singing, as at present.
For those organising weddings in gardens of private homes or on private land, you will need to make your chosen venue as safe as possible. If you plan on having more than 30 people, you must complete a COVID-19 risk assessment to determine how many attendees are expected, and follow Government guidance to make the event as safe as possible. Guidance on how to complete the risk assessment will be provided.
Head to this webpage for the updated guidance on having weddings and civil partnership ceremonies during COVID-19.
Outlined by GOV.UK, further information has also been published for people on how to safely plan a wedding.
- Overnight Trips For Out-Of-School Groups
Out-of-school settings can organise domestic residential visits for children in groups of up to 30 children. This replaces the current limit of six people or two households. More information found here.
Keeping informed with all the latest Coronavirus news:
British Marine members can keep up to date with the latest COVID regulations and advice here including sector-specific guidance here.