Department for Transport commissioned Decarbonising maritime operations in North Sea offshore wind

Published on: 10 June 2021

Decarbonisation flyer by the UK Government DIT

The ORE Catapult (Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult Ltd) and the Workboat Association have released their report on “Decarbonising Maritime Operations in North Sea Offshore Wind O&M (Operations and Maintenance)”. The report commissioned by the Department for Transport and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office sets out a possible pathway for the decarbonisation of offshore wind operations and maintenance vessels.

British Marine will be reviewing the report over the coming weeks to understand how we can encourage and support our members to benefit from the challenges and opportunities that the decarbonisation of offshore wind operations and maintenance vessels may bring to the sector. 

If you have any questions or thoughts on the report or how your business can engage with the challenges set out in the report please contact  

The report can be found here

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