New £3m Fund for Scottish Communities’ Green Recovery

Published on: 22 September 2021

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On 6 September, Crown Estate Scotland (the public corporation of the Scottish Government responsible for the management of land and property in Scotland owned by the monarch in right of the Crown) launched its £3m Local Partnerships Capital Investment Fund as part of a wider commitment to promote sustainable development and support for community projects around Scotland.

The process will involve the organisation making capital investments in projects of between £150k and £750k involving partnerships which aim to deliver sustainable development, business diversification or regeneration of communities.

It’s one of three challenge investment funds to be launched in 2020-21 by Crown Estate Scotland, with a boat-based tourism fund closing 1 October and an innovation with natural resources one launching later this year. Together the funds will total approximately £9m of direct commercial investments.

Andy Wells, investment and sales programme director for Crown Estate Scotland, said: “We’ve a strong commitment to help promote the green recovery across Scotland. By forming commercial partnerships with local organisations in this way, the voices and ambitions of communities can be firmly placed at the centre of the successful projects. We’re particularly keen to receive applications from projects that involve investment in the existing Scottish Crown Estate or the purchase of new assets where we can work in partnership to support new business opportunities that boost the local economy.”

Applying for the funding:

Applicants will be encouraged to align applications with objectives contained within Crown Estate Scotland’s Corporate Plan, as well as with the Scottish Government’s Place Principle.

Applicants will have until 10 December 2021 to make their initial applications. The full criteria and background information of the fund can be found here.

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