Published on: 06 May 2021
Argyll College is delighted to have their Marine Industry Training Centre (MITC) identified as one of the major projects which may be funded through the Argyll Growth Deal.
Argyll and Bute Council recently signed a contract to allow the planning of the MITC to progress to the next stage. One of the key challenges is future proofing the facility and the training they offer to be relevant for years to come.
Based in Dunstaffnage, the MITC will provide a state-of-the-art marine training facility in the heart of Argyll. The demand for the facility is the result of several year’s worth of research and engagement with local and national businesses ranging from boat building and repair, aquaculture, marine tourism, workboats and other sectors that work on the waters around the Argyll coast.
Don Mitchell, Project Director at the MITC, is running a survey that concentrates on the specific marine-based training, apprenticeships and commercial training requirements that local businesses may have. It is essential that the MITC receives input from as many businesses as possible to help guide their development plans.
MITC is looking to include some Research and Development capabilities within the centre that relate to the marine sector including potentially closed-loop production, next-generation 3D printing, and a range of other possibilities.
Mitchell comments: “I am keen to explore what areas of R & D work, and possible equipment or requirements, that businesses may want to access, if available. I am happy to discuss this, and the MITC in general with anyone who would be interested in finding out more.”
Please take a few minutes to complete the short survey which will help shape the facility for the next generation of marine and maritime workers in the Argyll and Bute area.