Published on: 27 May 2021
As previously communicated via our latest news announcement on the 3 March, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) released an open consultation on the 24 February 2021, which seeks the view of industry on the Marine Guidance Notice (MGN) 645 (M).
This MGN clarifies the policy for vessels under 24m Load Line Length, on vessel hull forms featuring cut-outs, removable end sections and bathing platforms.
This open consultation came to a close at 5pm on 24 March 2021 and the UK Ship and Technical Standards is currently reviewing responses to this consultation. The feedback provided has resulted in several key alterations to the proposed MGN. The MCA is therefore carefully considering how to proceed and will respond fully in due course.
The outcome of the feedback, once available, can be downloaded here. Within the link, you will also find the consultation document as well as the MGN 645 (M) Load Line Length policy clarification.
The reason for this open consultation was because the MCA became aware that vessels with cut-outs were being used as a means to avoid regulations in relation to the 24m rule. This led to undesirable hydrodynamic characteristics and safety issues, which could potentially make the vessel unsafe.
Another MCA finding was that the vessels had either one or both end sections bolted-on (or otherwise fixed) with a vertical flat-plane bulkhead. This would artificially increase the length of the vessel with an allegedly “removable” portion of the hull which was discounted from the Load Line Length calculations.