North West Blog March

Let’s start this month’s article with a big well done to two of our clubs.

Firstly, Arnside Sailing Club were crowned winners of the Rigiflex Newmatic 360 Suzuki DF9.9B powered safety boat with an Extreme trailer at last month’s RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show at Farnborough International.

Secondly, a massive well done to Bassenthwaite Sailing Club, who received their award for being the North West Region Club of the year and making the national final!

Moving on, or mooring on, we are now in full swing of the season; we can tell this from the fantastic photos we received for our February photo competition. The judges have had a tough job, but the winner will be announced soon.

Our first Dinghy Senior Instructor Course is already underway, and we only have one week to go until the Regional Training Day!

Booking is also now open for the Regional Junior Championships. If you are unfamiliar with the Junior Championships, the BYS Regional Junior Championships event is a festival for all junior sailors from those who have recently learnt to sail; through to racing sailors in recognised Junior Classes; there is something for everyone.

There are three fleets, Championship Fleet, Coached Regatta Fleet and Rookie Fleet. If you’re unsure which fleet you should sail in, visit the event page for more information.

In the North West, the championships will take place over two weekends:

  • 10 June Glossop Sailing Club – Windsurfers
  • 17-18 June Bassenthwaite Sailing Club – Dinghies

Entries are open now. ENTER NOW

More regional dates for the diary

Dinghy Cruise in Company

Booking will open later this month for our Dinghy Cruise in Company, this year taking place on Windermere. Starting from Royal Windermere Yacht Club, we will sail one of the two dinghy trails on Windermere with safety boats supporting the boats as we sail the trail together! Stopping at several points around Windermere, this should be a great day on the water for all dinghy sails keen to relax away from the racecourse.

North West Senior Travellers 2023

The friendly local series for seasoned sailors is back on Tuesday next month. As usual, sailors must be 50 or over, and crews in double-handers may be younger. Enter on the day, £5 entry fee per day. Briefing at 10.30, first race at 11.00 am. For further information, visit the Facebook page.

  1. 25 April – Leigh and Lowton SC2.
  2. 16 May – Burwain SC3.
  3. 6 June – Bolton SC4.
  4. 27 June – Hollingworth SC5.
  5. 18 July – Southport SC6.
  6. 5 September – Delph SC7.
  7. 26 September – Elton SC

Help others to discover sailing too!

We want to support more people to discover Sailing. Did you know? All clubs can access the ReDiscover/Discover sailing resources.  Discover Sailing is a national campaign full of resources to support your club/centre to attract new members. 

Request Discover Sailing Resources

Each club and centre have an £80 a year contribution towards the cost of their resources from the RYA. You will be taken to a payment page if you wish to order additional resources. The next print run is 7 April, so get your orders in soon!

That’s it for now; however, with lots of clubs starting their season this month, I would like to say good luck for the season ahead, and I hope to see you all out on the water soon!

Happy Sailing,


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