Possible new tourism tax

Published on: 17 November 2022

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The Welsh Government is consulting on introducing  a discretionary visitor levy that Welsh local authorities which is likely to require businesses to charge visitors staying overnight in (or at) their commercially let visitor accommodation.  The consultation closes on 13th December and British Marine would welcome your views to inform its response. 

The consultation defines visitor accommodation as A room, group of rooms or building, plot of land for siting of temporary transient accommodation (caravan, motorhome, tent or other temporary structure), houseboat (narrow boat), where someone might stay on a temporary basis and is not their fixed address and is let to visitors commercially.”   

It is expected that accommodation businesses, including marinas and other mooring providers, would have to collect the levy from its visitors and pass the monies to the relevant local authority on the understanding it will be invested in local services. Details as to how much should be charged; whether the rates could vary or need to be harmonised; and if charge is like a bed tax i.e. per person or per property have yet to be decided.  Consideration is also being given to how such a tax could be fairly enforced and what, if any, exemptions should be provided.  

British Marine is concerned this this type of tourism tax would have a detrimental impact on British Marine members located in Wales and those whose business operations extend to Welsh inland or coastal areas, especially given the tourism sector is just recovering from the economic impact of the pandemic and now having to brace itself against heightened inflation and a decline in consumer spending. We are therefore working with the Welsh Tourism Alliance to assess the  proposals and consider our response. 

We would strongly encourage all potentially affected British Marine members to respond directly to this consultation via this link and would greatly appreciate you sharing with us your views. 

If you are able to share your views with us, please email them to  Joanna Richardson, British Marine’s Senior Public Affairs Executive by 12 noon Friday 9 December 2022.  

For further information please contact Joanna at British Marine on Telephone 07860 848834 Email jrichardson@britishmarine.co.uk