The RYA Scotland Development Team recently gathered with fellow colleagues at Port Edgar Watersports CIC and were visited by RYA OnBoard Operations Officer, Hannah Cockle. Hannah gave an overview of the OnBoard programme and the team learned how it can serve as a solution to many challenges faced by clubs and “how sailing and windsurfing are the perfect vehicle for teaching personal and social development to young children,” allowing us to truly change lives for the better. To learn more about joining OnBoard, contact your Regional Development Officer.
The RYA Dinghy & Watersports Show was held on the 25th and 26th February in Farnborough and several of the RYA Scotland team attended. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with the wider boating community and network with RYA departments and colleagues from throughout the rest of the UK. There was also an impressive exhibit of boats, equipment, kit, books…so much stuff! It was well worth the trip.
Thanks to all who attended and supported the RYA Scotland Affiliated Club Conference in Perth. It was great to see everyone! There were loads of insights and ideas shared from both presenters and attendees. All of us left with plenty to reflect upon.
Laura Cowan, RYAS Regional Development Officer – West, joined delegates at the RYA Sailability Conference at Wyboston Lakes on the 11th of February for a packed day of workshops and networking. Rory McKinna from the RYAS Participation and Development Committee also attended. Rory joined in the Racing Workshop and Laura was thoroughly engaged in a workshop by Gillian Scotford from Accessible UK. Both Laura and Rory enjoyed the networking opportunities, especially the conversations with Challenger and Hansa Class association reps.
February saw our annual Pioneer Project Meet Up, bringing together women and girls from across Scotland who are breaking down barriers for people in our sport. Led by Georgia Moran (East RDO) and Robyn Phillips (Training Developement Officer), the group came together in Stirling to learn and share experiences. We had members from the Fit For Girls team at sportscotland deliver a workshop to the Pioneers, exploring ways to make sport more inclusive and solutions to the barriers women and girls face in sport. The day ended with the group planning for upcoming campaigns including the sportscotland focus on Women & Girls in sport and International Women’s Day (March), World Sailing’s Steering the Course (May), and Active Girls Week (October). Watch this space!
RYA Scotland Dinghy & Windsurf Instructor Days – March and April 2023
The Coach Education team are running several practical days, hosted regionally across Scotland. These days are targeted at coaches and instructors and will help develop volunteers and staff from throughout the boating community. Full details and registration are
RYA Scotland Impact Awards – Who has made a positive impact on your time afloat?
RYA Scotland are inviting nominations of those who deserve recognition for going above and beyond in supporting activities afloat in Scotland over the past year. The Impact Awards aim to recognise the value of those people over the coming season with a series of awards throughout the boating community in Scotland. Nominations can be a very personal thank you for the impact they have made to you, or a much wider recognition of their impact to the sport or organisation. Nominations will be open until the 26th of March 2023 for activity over the past year, with a plan to reward some of the people behind the stories. More details and the short nomination form are here.
You can also make nominations for RYA Volunteer Awards, the categories cover volunteers across the UK are presented in November at the RYA AGM. You can highlight the work of volunteers in both the Impact Awards and the Voluinteer Awards Full details, including guidelines and the link to the nomination form are here.
The RYA Scotland Development Team are planning to start regular Zoom Connect Calls for clubs and centres. These calls will be opportunities to connect with RYA Scotland staff as well as club leaders from throughout Scotland. The intention is for the conversations to be led by clubs toward topics relevant to clubs. Details and dates are coming soon.
Would you like to grow your club’s membership? Consider signing up your club to Discover Sailing, the RYA Demand Creation Campaign which supports clubs by providing both physical and online resources, regional communicator support as well as allowing clubs to benefit from being part of the national promotions. Full details on the programme, as well as about Re-Discover Sailing may be found here.
Discussions have begun regarding 2023 Onboard Introductory Festivals. These events aim to gather sailors for first time experiences or their first event away from their home club. The focus is on creating a fun atmosphere and bringing sailors together from across their region. Dates and locations will be shared through all channels as soon as they are available.
Join our sustainable boating community and take the Green Blue Pledge! The Boating Pledge allows you to show your commitment to making your boating more environmentally sustainable by pledging to respect, protect, and enjoy our inland and marine waters. Find more information and make the pledge here.
Join us for Spring Clean Scotland 2023, 17 March to 17 April. Help reduce litter levels in your neighbourhood for our environment, our wildlife, and our own health and wellbeing. This would be a great way to bring interested club members together for pre–season activity. Find more ideas and details here.
There will soon be two opportunities to join the RYA Scotland Development Team. Regrettably, both Georgia Moran, Regional Development Officer – East, and Kristy Bradley, our administrator, are moving on, creating the vacancies. They will both be traveling for the foreseeable future. They will be greatly missed at RYAS, and surely, by the clubs and members they have supported in their respective roles. We wish them both all the very best and look forward to hearing about their travels. You may find details on the vacancies here.
As it has come up in conversations with several clubs recently, here is a funding tip. When seeking funding for a project, first ask who? Who do you serve? Who is the target for this particular project or activity? Who are the participants or beneficiaries? Then, ask why? What is the purpose? Why deliver this project? What is the impact on these people? What will they gain and what is the need? What solution is being provided? Once you’ve answered these questions completely, you can then look at what? What do you need to achieve the impact: e.g., boats or equipment, education, facilities? Use this approach when completing funding applications, as well as when communicating your organisation’s story to stakeholders and potential partners.
Please do not hesitate to make contact if you have questions or areas where we might be able to support. Send us a message at Development@RYAScotland.org.uk.
All the best from The Development Team – Georgia, Laura, Brian, Kristy & Liza