Shepperton marina accepts its TYHA Inland Marina of the Year Award 2022

Published on: 01 December 2022


Shepperton Marina held its ceremony after winning the TYHA Marina of the year award back in September at the Southampton Boat Show. 


Lisa Harris, manager at Shepperton Marina accepted the award alongside TYHA chairman Colin Watts and Kwasi Kwarteng (MP) for Spelthorne in northern Surrey. 


Representing TYHA, Hayley Cloke, TYHA executive, was delighted to have attended the ceremony supporting Shepperton Marina. 


Hayley Cloke commented: “A fantastic event filled with celebrations, champagne and sunshine in the specially erected marque alongside the marina basin gave the opportunity for the team at Shepperton, its berth holders, local councillors, guests and Kwasi Kwarteng to celebrate and congratulate Lisa and her team on this fantastic accolade.”




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