SW Affiliated Clubs Conference motivates and inspires

The atmosphere was buzzing at the RYA SW Affiliated Clubs Conference on Saturday 05 November. More than 80 delegates from SW sailing clubs joined members of the HQ and regional teams at Queen’s College, Taunton – a venue that encouraged lots of busy networking as well as making plenary sessions and workshops comfortable and productive.

A group of people talk and write on post-it notes at a table

Early feedback from delegates suggests that the sessions were relevant and very useful. They included:

  • How to secure funding for your club
  • How to motivate your volunteers
  • The RYA’s Club Management Compliance Toolkit
  • Satisfying the needs and motivations of club members
  • How to increase yacht racing

One delegate from a large club in the region commented: “I have just been totally humbled by sitting in the funding workshop with people from a club with just over 40 members and two club boats. I got some useful tips from them – you don’t realise how different in size the clubs in the region are. In workshops like this, the big and the small can all help each other.”

A new addition for this year was the Club Notice Board where delegates were able to fix posters to advertise club boats for sale, spaces on instructor courses, race coach courses and more.

The networking opportunities during refreshment breaks and lunch saw many animated and positive conversations between club committee members and HQ staff representing The GreenBlue, Legal, Racing, EDI and other departments. CEO Sara Sutcliffe also took time to visit the workshops and gave a short presentation at the close of the conference.

For club committee members who were unable to attend, and those who would like to reinforce their learning, all the workshop sessions will be repeated in online Club Development webinars during December and can be booked now:

5 December 7.30 – 8.30pm 
What are the needs and motivations of your club members and how can you provide an experience that’s right for them? 

6 December 7.30 – 8.30pm
What can you do to make your volunteers experience meaningful? 

7 December 7.30 – 8.30pm
How can the RYA’s new Club Management Compliance Toolkit help you manage your club?  

8 December 7.30 – 8.30pm
How to secure the funding you need for your club?  

9 December 7.30 – 8.30pm
How can you make your club welcoming to a wider range of members? 

11 January 2023 7.30 – 8.30pm
How can you increase yacht racing participation at your club?