Published on: 19 January 2023

Find out how recreational boaters can positively impact seagrass habitats
Throughout spring, The Green Blue will be hosting a series of webinars sharing best practice techniques for anchoring and mooring. The webinars will focus on techniques which are both safe and effective, as well as more friendly to the seabed.
The webinars are being delivered as part of the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Project led by Natural England, of which the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and The Green Blue, the joint environmental awareness programme created by the RYA and British Marine, are project partners. Other partners in the project include the Marine Conservation Society, the Ocean Conservation Trust and Plymouth City Council.
The webinars aim to provide an insight into the ReMEDIES Project and raise awareness of sensitive seabed habitats, like seagrass and maerl, at the project’s five seagrass restoration sites: Essex Estuaries, Fal and Helford, Solent Maritime, Plymouth Sound, and Isles of Scilly. Each of the webinars will have speakers from partner organisations in the project who have local knowledge on project specific sites.
To accompany the webinar, you can also download the free guide ‘The Green Guide to Anchoring and Mooring,’ which gives details on the ReMEDIES project and best practice mooring and anchoring techniques. Hard copies of the guide are available on request.
Webinar content:
- An introduction to the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Project
- Why protected marine habitats like seagrass and maerl are important
- The threats to these marine habitats
How the recreational boating community can help to minimise impacts on these seabed habitats through:
- Anchoring, landing and launching best practice
- The use of Advanced eco-Mooring Systems (AMS)
- Local ReMEDIES Project work
- Q&A
Webinar dates and project focus
January 31 – Essex
February 15 – Fal and Helford
March 1 – Isles of Scilly
March 7 – The Solent
You can sign-up to register your interest in the webinars by visiting the Join our Webinars page.
To learn more about the LIFE Recreation ReMEDIES Project, visit the project’s website.