Register NOW for our upcoming webinar on the reopening of the marine industry in England

Published on: 03 March 2021

British Marine webinar

British Marine members are invited to attend a webinar on Thursday 11 March at 11am dedicated to the COVID-19 roadmap and what this means for the gradual reopening of the marine industry in England.

After the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday 22 February, British Marine has since clarified the guidance specifically for the leisure marine industry with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and published a statement and matrix, approved by Government, to help the industry interpret the guidance.

Hosted by our Head of Current Affairs, Brian Clark, and Jonathan White, General Manager at The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA), the webinar will overview the roadmap and accompanying guidance and give members the chance to ask questions and seek further interpretation.

The 30 minute session is FREE for British Marine members. Please click here to register. 

To see the reopening guidance and matrix, please see here.