The Faraday Battery Challenge – Round 6 Innovation Competition

Published on: 07 May 2023


£10m in funding available for battery technology development 

The Faraday Battery Challenge Round 6 Innovation Competition launches on 16 May 2023, aiming to accelerate the development of sustainable and affordable battery technologies. Up to £10m has been allocated for business-led collaborative feasibility studies and CR&D projects.

The competition aims to:

  • Accelerate development and commercialisation of state-of-the-art battery technologies in the UK
  • Support growth of the supply chain and companies in the UK battery sector
  • Increase UK competitiveness in the global battery industry
  • Demonstrate ability of battery technologies to meet need of specific applications 

A briefing event will be held at 10:00 on Wednesday, 17 May 2023. The event will provide valuable information and insights into the competition, helping potential applicants to better understand the application process and the requirements for successful proposals.

>> Register for the briefing event

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