What is the future of UKCA marking following the indefinite extension of CE acceptance?

Published on: 24 August 2023

UKCA Marking

Wednesday 16 August saw the Department of Business and Trade (DBT) come to Southampton on its national tour meeting businesses to discuss the future of the UKCA mark. 

Following the announcement last month that the acceptance of CE marked products to be placed on the GB market will be extended indefinitely, the Government is holding round table workshop discussions nationwide to understand what UK businesses think should happen to the UKCA marking. 

Representatives from multiple business sectors, including transport, medical equipment, toys and pressure equipment along with British Marine representing the marine sector met with government representatives to discuss what the sectors believe the future should be for product safety and certification markings. 

Discussions ranged from the withdrawal of the UKCA marking to divergence from EU regulations, providing the opportunity to deregulate where deemed suitable. 

It was also an opportunity for the sectors to discuss general product safety issues, such as improved enforcement, the safety of online marketplaces and future regulation. 

The DBT is continuing its roadshows and we would encourage any member who has an active interest in the future of certification to apply to attend. 

Further information can be found here: https://britishmarine.co.uk/News/2023/August/UK-Government-announces-an-indefinite-extension-to-the-use-of-CE-marking-for-businesses